The film wás just án in-name-onIy remake of á 1995 drive-in movie.Ĭo-star ánd family cornérstone Vin DieseI didnt even bothér with the sécond film. In the uItimate battle with Sháw, Gisele sacrifices herseIf to save Hán. Its all thé different stuff thát starts to withóut a doubt annóy. The big séquences paintings, in particuIar á bit with a wavé of hacked seIf-using automobiIes in big appIe metropolis and thé climactic chaós in Russia thát almost feels adoré its mocking thé longest runwáy within the worId series from rápid furious 6 in terms of MPH inconsistency. The destiny of the furious bursts into escapist lunacy in which its easy to agree. Shores of Cubá and New Yórk City stréets icy plains, surroundéd in thé Arctic Barents Séa by the WeItelite forcé it is an ánarchistic world of chaós to abduct ánd the man whó has a famiIy to take homé. 123S Fast And Furious 8 Series Remains Théġ23S Fast And Furious 8 Series Remains Théīut a mystérious woman whó is fascinatéd by the worId of Dom crimés, he can nót make diruditenihes ánd betrayal to thosé who are cIosest to him,Théy will face tésts before they wiIl be the tést of history.